
Design History Society Student Members Conference Bursary - Report on the Design History Society Annual Conference

​My attendance at the Design History Society’s annual conference this year was my first foray into design history. My background is in cultural and social history, but my PhD thesis explores how Arts and Crafts design narratives were absorbed into mainstream educational initiatives in twentieth-century Britain as part of the project of democratization after the First World War...

30 October 2015 -

Erin McKellar Conference Report: Designing Democratic Neighborhoods

​At “‘How We Live, and How we Might Live’: Design and the Spirit of Critical Utopianism,” I presented “Conceiving an Ideal Democratic Neighborhood” as part of “Domestic Bliss,” a panel chaired by Catharine Rossi. This paper investigated how two traveling poster exhibitions—Look at Your Neighborhood (1944) and Planning Your Neighborhood (1945)...

30 October 2015 -

Tugce Karatas : Reflections on 2015 DHS Publishing Workshop

​On September 10th 2015, the Design History Society hosted a Publishing Workshop in conjunction with the 2015 Annual DHS Conference, “How We Live, and How we Might Live”: Design and the Spirit of Critical Utopianism at California College of the Arts in San Francisco...

30 October 2015 -

May Ee Wong: Student Conference Bursary Report
May Ee Wong: Student Conference Bursary Report

​The Design History Society Student Conference Bursary Award gave me the opportunity to attend the 2015 Design History Society Conference held in San Francisco at the California College of the Arts. There, I presented my paper “Revisiting Metabolic Utopia in the discourse of the Asian Sustainable City” under the panel...

30 October 2015 -

Designing Modern Norway: A History of Design Discourse

I am very grateful to the Design History Society for awarding me its Research Publication Grant for 2015, which will cover the indexing costs for my forthcoming book Designing Modern Norway: A History of Design Discourse (Ashgate, 2016). The book is an intellectual history of design and its role in configuring the modern Norwegian nation...

30 October 2015 -

DHS Publishing Workshop. A review by Hsiao-Yun Chu

​The DHS Publishing Workshop, held at the annual DHS conference in San Francisco, September 2015, provided a rare opportunity to see inside the editorial process of several journals, from initial review of submissions through the peer review process and to final publication...

14 October 2015 -

Katerina Pantelides: Design History Society Student Conference Award Report

I am very grateful to the Design History Society for funding my attendance at its annual conference at California College of the Arts in San Francisco. This Conference Award enabled me to present a twenty-minute paper titled ‘More Beautifully Moved Being: Designing the Dancer, c.1920-33,’...

14 October 2015 -

Barry Katz: Publication Grant Report

With the assistance of a DHS Publication Grant, Make it New: The History of Silicon Valley Design is complete and scheduled for publication in September 2015. Make it New is based almost entirely upon original, primary source materials, and is the first book to...

21 September 2015 -



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