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DHS Writing & Publishing Workshop

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6 September 2017 10:30 - 17:30

The Design History Society will host a Writing & Publishing Workshop in conjunction with the 2017 Annual DHS Conference, "Making and Unmaking the Environment" at University of Oslo.

Aimed at graduate, post-graduate and early career researchers in design studies, design history and related fields, this workshop - in two parts - invites participants to join researchers, editors and writers to explore and consider processes and modes of communicating their work to both specialist academic and public audiences.

Taking place before "Making and Unmaking the Environment" to allow for free attendance to participants, the workshop will extend a consideration of ecologies in both theories and practices of publishing.

Part I | Listening for Design Histories: Ecologies of Sound
10.30am - 2:30pm
Led by Dr Emily Candela, Senior Tutor, School of Communication, Royal College of Art*

This workshop invites attendees to take part in a collaborative experiment: how can design historians use audio in a new critical sense, beyond oral histories, in research and publishing? Based on the history of links between the practice of field recording and ecological thinking, the workshop will explore possibilities for using field recording as a technique and theoretical approach in design scholarship. Following an introduction to field recording and perspectives on sonic research practices, attendees will gather field recordings, 'sounding' the environment around us. We will then generate short sonic narratives to create an 'instant' podcast. No experience required.

Please bring headphones and a laptop (if you have one**), with a download of the free audio editing program Audacity (

Part II | Publishing in and around Design History
3.00pm – 5.30pm
With invited speakers from academic journals and publishing houses

Publishing is an important component of research practice and invaluable for reaching an audience for your work. This afternoon of presentations and informal advice welcomes editors from academic journals, publishing houses and published academics to explain and de-mystify the publishing process. Speakers will unpack the submission and peer review processes in addition to advising on the highlights, pitfalls and opportunities in preparing for publication. A manuscript editor will also share expertise scouting, preparing and publishing manuscripts and will advise on the formation and framing of proposals for disseminating research, from books to online publishing. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss specific questions and concerns regarding publishing during the session. The goal of the workshop is facilitating the unique opportunity to gain professional advice from editors, writers, peers and colleagues in a convivial and constructive atmosphere. We write to help figure out what we are thinking, and this too is a conversational process! Hard copies of journals discussed will be provided.

The workshop is limited to 20 participants and is free to attend. Lunch will be provided.

If you wish to participate in this workshop, please follow the Eventbrite booking link.

Note: we are booking this as a full-day workshop in two parts. If you have a particular interest in only one aspect of the programme, please inquire via e-mail regarding your booking to Elli Michaela Young:

* Emily is a sound practitioner and historian focusing on relationships between design and science. Her work on uses of sound in historical research and communication includes the six-part radio broadcast and podcast, Atomic Radio, made in association with the London Science Museum and Resonance 104.4 FM. She is Senior Tutor in the School of Communication at the Royal College of Art where she leads the MRes Communication Design Pathway and teaches on the Information Experience Design MA's Sound Pathway.

** You do not need a laptop to participate in this workshop, but if you have one available, we ask that you please bring it with you.

Update 29 August 2017
: Download the workshop schedule here.