Fridays 18 November - 2 December 2022
Session 1 15.30 - 17.00 (GMT)
Session 2 19.00 - 20.00 (GMT)
‘Folk’ is a contested term, invoking resonances of tradition, rurality, informality. Its forms and connotations have often infused everyday objects with contested significance. References to particular forms and imaginings of folk culture vary from homage and emulation to unexpected juxtapositions, translations, misquotations and appropriations. Who had agency in the design and manufacture of these objects as well as those who circulated and mediated them to multiple audiences who consumed them inflects these objects with complex and contested power dynamics and impacts.
The seminar series ‘Folk’ Cultures in Everyday Objects aims to explore how folk cultures inhabit the design and production of everyday objects critically assessing how and why these intersections operate around the globe. You can explore more via the interactive map here.
Convened by Wiktoria Kijowska (DHS Ambassador) and Claire O’Mahony (Associate Professor in History of Art and Design; Course Director for the MSt in the History of Design, University of Oxford Department for Continuing Education).
Fri 18 Nov Temporalities
15.30-17.00 hrs ‘Folk’ Cultures and Contemporary Practice
Yissel Hernandez Romero - Design Ethics Towards Indigenous Craftsmanship
Andreu Balius and Ishan Khosla - Displaying Indian Folk Cultures through Type Design
Aija Freimane - Are ‘folk’ or traditional culture objects meaningful to Generation Z?
Joyce Cheng - Hello Kitty as Industrialized Folk Art
Jixiang Yang - From Peasant Images to the Political Philosophy: ‘Chinese Dream’ Posters, 2012
19.00 – 20.00 hrs Continuing and Contested Traditions
Mhasileno Peseyie and Gaur Rashmi - The traditional ornament as everyday objects of the Nagas from Northeast India
Katie Irani - Tawiz, talismans and tiny texts: miniaturized holy books as folklorised agents in design history
Rising Lai - Crafting Desire
Daniela Salgado Cofré - Selective Tradition and Selective Innovation in Chilean Popular Crafts
Fri 25 Nov Geographies
15.30-17.00 hrs Borderlands and Transnational Exchanges
Piotr Korduba - Dishes from Silesia. Constructed folklore of the German-Polish borderland
Lina Koo - Images and Narratives in ‘Joseon Folk Dolls’ during the Japanese Colonial Period, 1910–1945
Carlos Bartolo - Folklore for the Good of the Nation
Joseph McBrinn - High art, low art: folk culture in the Irish Revival
19.00-20.00 hrs Central and Eastern European Folk Cultures
Tetyana Solovey - Soap Cleansing Power: The role of soap branding in the process of establishment of the Russian Empire’s colonial narrative in Ukraine
Ieva Pigozne - Intersection of Folk Forms and Modern Objects: Example of Latvian Bridal Crowns
Marie Gasper – Hulvat - “Bows and Arrows, Boats, and Pipes: Folk material culture in early Soviet children’s books”
Rebecca Bell - Approaches to ‘Folk’ Objects in Czech New Wave Film: Karel Vachek’s 1963 Moravská Hellas (Moravian Hellas)
Fri 2 Dec Place and Folk Cultures
15.30hrs-17.00 hrs Mediation and Display
Hervé Doucet - Traditions and Modernities of the Decorative Arts in Alsace at the Beginning of the 20th Century. The Example of Théo Berst
Michelle Jackson-Beckett - Simple Household Goods? The Commodification of Folk Idealism and Domestic Culture in Interwar Vienna
Alice Twemlow - Bad Taste, Working Class and Popular: 1950s Urban Folk Culture in ‘Black Eyes and Lemonade’
Elina Nahlinder - Poor Design? ‘Poverty’ as the Bedrock of Swedish Modern Design
Simon Spier - ‘Homely Pottery?’: Rereading the Willett Collection of British Ceramics
19.00-20.00 hrs Constructing Folk Craft
Emily Madrigal - Wild Clay
Artun Ozguner - Folk / Modern: fitting the nation into the past
Craig Martin - Foxfire Magazine: Disseminating Rural Folk Knowledge, Traditions, and Skills
Claire Le Thomas - When folk art creates everyday objects: DIY, creative hobbies and ordinary practices of creation at the turning of the 20th century