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Perspectives on mid-century Modernism

All events
12 November 2010

Despite the popularity of modernist studies in other disciplines, the history of the spatial and material cultures of modernism is only now beginning to progress beyond the historiographical and methodological prejudices of the 1970s. It is timely therefore to examine both new subject matter and new, often interdisciplinary, methods for the history of modernism. Bringing together a range of scholars, from the doctoral to the established, the day seeks to invite a wider public to engage with Design History, as well as foster scholarship and networks within the discipline. Speakers researching different aspects of the history of modernism in the period between c.1920s and 1960s will present their new research exploring hitherto little-considered aspects of this period, and the variety of media which constituted modernist practice at this time.

This event is supported by the Design History Society and is the first of their new Regional Seminar Series.
All are welcome, but places are limited to 50 and must be reserved by Wednesday 10 November. If you wish you may book lunch (£9.50). To reserve a place and/or lunch please contact:

10.30: Introduction to the day (Dr Elizabeth Darling, Senior Lecturer in the History of Art, Oxford Brookes & Dr Claire O’Mahony, University Lecturer in the History of Art, Department for Continuing Education and Fellow of Kellogg College)
10.40: Professor John Gold (Professor of Geography, Oxford Brookes): Plurality revisited: reflections the changing meanings of architectural modernism
11.20: Elisa Sai (doctoral student, University of Bristol): Notions of Space in 1930s Futurist Aeropittura: Continuity, Innovation and Reception
12.00: Stephanie Bolton (independent scholar, Sussex): ‘A Chronicle of Doing’ - Laszlo Moholy-Nagy’s Lobster film and the community of Littlehampton
12.20-12.30: morning summing up and comments.
12.30-1.45: Lunch in Kellogg College Dining Hall (must be reserved)
1.45: Robert Chester (doctoral student, Loughborough University): MARS Attacks: Designing the Radio for the Inter-war British Domestic Environment
2.05: Peter Stilton (doctoral student, University of Bristol) ‘The Hidden Persuaders’: British Pop Art and the Fear of Consumer Society
2.35: Dr Sarah Walford (post-doctoral student, University of Warwick) Building the nursery: Donald Gibson and the making of a modern City Architect’s department
3.00: Tea
3.15: Dr Robert Proctor: (Lecturer, Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow School of Art) Reorienting the Sacred: 1960s Church Design
3.45-4.30: Professor John Gold: reflections on the day followed by questions and comments.
4.30 Close