6 April, 2023

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Priscila Farias is the Guest Judge for the Design Writing Prize 2023. This prestigious international prize is awarded annually by the Design History Society. Entry forms and detailed information are available here. The deadline for entries is 17 May 2023.
Dr Priscila Farias is an Associate Professor at the University of São Paulo School of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU USP), and a Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development research fellow. She coordinates FAU USP Graduate Program in Design and the Visual Design Research Lab, is the editor of the journal InfoDesign, and a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Design History and The Design Journal. She also acts as a referee for various academic publishers, events and funding agencies, in Brazil and abroad. The focus of her research is typography and lettering. She is one of the proponents and main articulators of the concepts of 'graphic memory' (a decentralized approach to graphic design history, based on recognizing the value of local material culture) and 'typographic landscapes' (a framework for studies on public lettering), and the coordinator of Tipografia Paulistana, a digital platform dedicated to recover and grant public access to early Brazilian printers typographic repertoires. Her current investigations address the status of typography and lettering as cultural heritage. She has published and lectured widely, and acted as a visiting scholar at University of the Arts London, University of Brighton and Università IUAV di Venezia.
Listen to Priscila in conversation with DHS Teaching, Learning and Continuing Professional Development Officer Fiona Anderson about the prize here.
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