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Appointment of the Chair of the Editorial Board

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14 October, 2015

Appointment of the Chair of the Editorial Board

The Design History Society wishes to invite applications from individuals who can offer outstanding leadership and vision to the role of Chair of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Design History. The Journal, which is published by Oxford University Press in partnership with the Society, is the pre-eminent journal in its field and works to extend the international and interdisciplinary significance of the subject.

The Chair of the Editorial Board is responsible for leading the business and subject- development strategy for the Journal in conjunction with the Publisher on behalf of the Design History Society. The role involves convening and chairing meetings of the Editorial Board and guaranteeing the effective operation of the operation of the peer-review, editorial, and production and marketing processes of the Journal, as managed by the Managing Editor and in conjunction with authors and the publisher. The Chair of the Editorial Board will be expected to be a leading figure in design history, with a substantial and highly-esteemed international record of research relevant to the field and related professions, commensurate with professorial level. They will have significant experience in the operation and oversight of peer-review processes, to have undertaken noteworthy initiatives in developing design history in academia and beyond, and to have successfully managed staff and budgets in other similar and relevant organisations.

The Chair of the Board will be responsible for the operation of two Journal of Design History Editorial Board meetings, normally in January on Fridays at Cowcross Street, Farringdon, London and at the DHS Annual Conference in September. The Chair of the Board will also be expected to attend quarterly Executive Committee Meetings, held normally in January, April, June and November at Cowcross Street, Farringdon, London and the Annual General Meeting normally held at the DHS Annual Conference in September. The Chair of the Board attends the Annual Journal of Design History Business meeting with Oxford University Press, normally in June, at OUP offices in Oxford. General other tasks, in addition to the above, are estimated to require one day per month. The normal term of office will be for 5 years. The Chair may reside anywhere in the world from where travel to London, Oxford and other DHS confer- ence locations for meetings is practicable. Reasonable expenses for approved travel to meetings and other occasions where the Chair is representing the Journal will be reimbursed. An annual honorarium will be paid by the publisher.

Background to the Board
The Board is responsible, through its Chair, to the Society for the operation of the Journal within terms of reference which are regularly reviewed and are fully detailed in The Journal of Design History Editorial Board Handbook. In addition to refereeing a cross-section of papers submitted through the Journal’s web-based manuscript man- agement system, each member of the Board plays a leading role with certain submis- sions, considering referee reports to produce recommendations for the Board, and liaising with the authors about revisions.

In making its selection, the Committee will consider the extent to which the candidate meets the role descriptor and person specification for the Chair of the Editorial Board. These are available from Administrator of the Design History Society, Michaela Young (

The Chair of the Design History Society, Jeremy Aynsley ( will be happy to discuss the duties and responsibilities of the Chair of the Editorial Board informally with potential applicants. The deadline for applications is 30 January 2016 and interviews are expected to take place in February 2016.

Please email applications to

Chair of the Editorial Board: Role Description

The Chair of the Editorial Board has the following main responsibilities and duties:

1. Leading the business and subject-development strategy for the Journal in conjunction with the Publisher on behalf of the Design History Society

2. Overseeing the recruitment and selection of the EB and establishing its terms of reference in agreement with the Trustees of the Design History Society

3. Overseeing the peer-review, editorial, and production and marketing processes of the Journal as managed by the Managing Editor in conjunction with authors and the publisher

4. Convening meetings of the Editorial Board and being responsible for its effective operation

5. Providing reviews and editorial advice where appropriate for papers submitted for considera-
tion as to other members of the Editorial Board

6. Chairing the Advisory Board of the Journal and being responsible for its effective operation;
overseeing its recruitment and selection and terms of reference in accordance with policy
established by the EB

7. Representing the JDH in international and interdisciplinary contexts

Person Specification

The successful applicant will:
1. Have a strategic vision for the JDH and its objectives as a Journal of the Design History Society. 2. Be a leading figure in design history commensurate with professorial standing, with a sub-stantial and highly-esteemed record of research relevant to the field and related professions,
e.g. design and design education, curatorship and design criticism

3. Have extensive experience of editorship for high-impact publications,involving interactions
with diverse author and reader constituencies

4. Have experience in the operation and oversight of collaborative peer-review and editorial
processes including journal publication

5. Have undertaken significant initiatives to develop design history and be able to communicate a
vision for its future

6. Have been successful in managing staff and budgets in a company or other organisation

7. Have experience with charities or NGOs and be willing to become a Trustee of the Design
History Society

8. Be an excellent communicator via a range of communication channels.

9. Be willing to devote time and effort to the role.

10. Be fair and collegiate in problem solving and management.

11. Be committed to impartiality, fairness and confidentiality.

12. Be tactful and diplomatic.

13. Be committed to equal opportunities and inclusive practices.

Please email applications to


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