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Appointments to Editorial Board

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Society News

25 May, 2016

The Design History Society wishes to invite individuals who can make a distinctive and dynamic contribution to the development of design history to apply to join the Editorial Board of the Journal of Design History. The Journal, which is published by Oxford University Press in partnership with the Society, is the pre-eminent journal in its field and works to extend the international and interdisciplinary significance of the subject. 

The Board is responsible, through its Chair, to the Society for the operation of the Journal within terms of reference which are regularly reviewed. In addition to refereeing a cross section of papers submitted through the Journal’s web-based manuscript management system, each member of the Board plays a leading role with certain submissions, considering referee reports to produce recommendations for the Board, and liaising with the authors about revisions. In addition, each editor develops particular responsibilities for special features, special issues or other aspects of the Journal’s work. Editorial Board members should expect to devote at least two days per month to the Journal, including meetings which take place twice a year, typically once in London and once at the DHS Annual Conference. 

Appointment to the Board is for a five-year term of office. Those appointed will enjoy a gratis membership of the Society and may be based anywhere in the world provided they have regular internet access. Relevant expenses are reimbursed, but there is no remuneration. 

In making its selection, the Committee will consider the extent to which each candidate meets the person specification, as well as the balance of subject expertise and skills of the Board as a whole. Appointments may be deferred to take balance of expertise on the Board into account. At the present time, applications are sought which extend the breadth of expertise of the Editorial Board, particularly in the area of fashion history, and reflect the global coverage of the Journal. Previous applicants are welcome to re-apply as the expertise most needed by the journal is regularly reviewed. 
The Managing Editor of the Editorial Board, Dr Grace Lees-Maffei 
(g.lees-maffei@herts. will be happy to discuss the duties and responsibilities of Board members informally with potential applicants. Applications should be by letter outlining the candidate’s suitability and a curriculum vitae, including a list of relevant publications. The deadline for applications is 1st August 2016. Please email your applications to the Design History Society Administrator, Elli Michaela Young (designhistorysociety@gmail. com). 

Editorial Board Member: Job Description 

A member of the Editorial Board (an Editor) has the following responsibilities and duties: 

  • Attending meetings of the Board twice a year, once in London and once at the DHS Annual Conference, and such virtual meetings as may be arranged at other times 
  • when assigned responsibility for a submission, arranging the reviewing process, evaluating the results, making a written recommendation to the Board, and undertaking editorial work as necessary.
  • Providing reviews, when invited, of papers submitted for consideration
  • Bringing to the attention of the Board potential contributors, and acting as a source of advice to authors
  • When assigned editor of a paper which has been conditionally accepted, liaising with the author(s) to oversee revisions and preparation for publication
  • Undertaking such special responsibilities or initiatives as may be agreed by the Board, e.g. for reviews or other sections, special issues, or thematic development in an interdisciplinary and international context
  • Liaising with the Chair, Managing Editor and Reviews Editor to ensure that efficient conduct of the business of the Editorial Board. Reasonable expenses for approved travel to meetings and other occasions where the editor is conducting the work of the Journal will be reimbursed but there is no stipend or honorarium paid to editors

This position will require a commitment of at least 2 days per month. The normal term of office will be five years, which may be extended for up to a further two years by agreement to achieve optimal continuity and balance of expertise in the Board.

Editorial Board Member: Person Specification

The successful applicant will: 

  • have a proven record of research and scholarship revleant to the field of desing history and related professions, e.g. design and design education, curatorship and collections management 
  • have experience of editorial revision for publication, including being able to communicate effectively and tactfully with contributors about desirable revisions 
  • be willing and able to participate in a collaborative editorial process, including the nomination of reviewers and the drafting of recommendations based on peer review 
  • be, or be willing to become, a member of the Design History Society
  • be able to propose and undertake significant initiatives to which impact on the subject through extending the authorship and readership of the Journal
  • have regular access to a networked computer, as the editorial process is managed in a web-based system
  • process high organisation and communication skills and be well networked in the subject

Editorial Board members may reside anywhere in the world from where travel to London and DHS conference venues is practicable. While employment in an institution of Higher Education or a museum may be relevant, this is not a requirement. A good reading knowledge of languages other than English would be an advantage.


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