10 October, 2018
The Design History Society warmly welcomes proposals from individual members and institutions that support research and education in design history to host its 2020 Annual Conference.
The DHS Annual Conference is an international event that plays a leading role in promoting and consolidating design history research. Each year the conference is hosted by a different institution that works closely with the DHS to organise the event on a theme chosen by the convenor. The conference brings together scholars, practitioners, educators, museum professionals, and others who engage with design in their research and work. It provides an ideal environment for exploring current questions and generating new debates in global design history and allied fields.
Recent conferences have been hosted in Ahmedabad (2013), Oxford (2014), San Francisco (2015), London (2016), Oslo (2017), and New York (2018). As part of their contribution, convenors are invited to select a series of papers presented at the conference and edit a special issue of the Journal of Design History, which adds to the long-term impact of the event. The conference also provides an opportunity to introduce the international design history community to local collections, exhibitions and sites of significance.
Submitting a Proposal
Proposals should include:
- A short description of the suggested theme and its relevance to DHS members (500 words)
- A provisional programme, including scope for local visits or tours, and potential keynote speakers
- Information about the viability of the conference, such as potential venues, and institutional and financial support
A full proposal pack can be downloaded here. Applicants should complete the proposal form provided and return it to the DHS Administrator by 31 January 2019 for full consideration by the DHS Executive Committee.
Any questions regarding the application process should be addressed to the Conference Liaison Officer, Dr Gabriele Oropallo, via designhistorysociety@gmail.com. All proposals will be considered in confidentiality by the DHS Executive Committee, whose members are committed to principles of equity and inclusion.
This page was edited on 30 November 2018.
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