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Call for Papers and publishing workshops

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2 March, 2022

Call for Papers and publishing workshops

The DHS Reading Groups are launching a call for papers for anyone interested in participating in the collaborative publishing workshops (monthly sessions, from July to December 2022). Proposal for papers that respond to either one of the themes of the reading groups are welcome:

Design History & Digital Humanities


Design History & Language Rights

Please follow this link to submit your abstract (500 words) by March 28, 2022.

Participants are also encouraged to explore intersections with the themes of the DHS Annual Conference 2022 Design and Transience (September 8–10 2022 Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey), such as ephemerality/permanence, tangible/intangible heritage, adaptability.

Submission to this call is a two-stage process. Those interested in contributing are invited to submit an abstract (500 words) for review. Participants whose abstracts are accepted will then be invited to submit their full paper (up to 5000 words) to take part in the publishing workshops. We will meet monthly (July to December) to develop our papers collaboratively, in a friendly environment. Two editors of the Journal of Design History, Claire O’Mahony and Daniel Huppatz, will join us for one workshop session (date to be announced).

Participants whose abstracts have been accepted will also be given the option to form a panel for the DHS Annual Conference 2022. In this case, the panel proposal will be double blind peer reviewed by the conference's scientific committee. NB: It is possible to opt-out of the panel proposal and join the publishing workshops only.

Important dates:

March 28:
Abstract submission

April 4:
Notification of acceptance

July 5:
Paper submission for the first collaborative publishing workshop

September 8–10:
DHS Annual Conference 2022 Design and Transience (Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey)

September or October (tba):
Editors of the Journal of Design History Daniel Huppatz and Claire O’Mahony join one publishing workshop session.

July to December:
Monthly sessions of the collaborative publishing workshops.

Design History & Digital Humanities

For those interested in submitting a paper proposal that resonates with Design History & Digital Humanities, here are some topics for exploration:

- How can theories, methods and technologies of the digital humanities be applied to research in design history?

- Case-studies of projects that apply digital humanities theory and methods to design historical practice.

- The relationship between information networks and research in design history.

- Challenges and opportunities for the application of the digital humanities to design history.

- Digital humanities as related to exhibitions, public engagement and the preservation of (tangible and intangible) objects.

- Role of the digital humanities in design historical pedagogy.

Please feel free to contact Anna Talley ( if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss your proposal before submitting it.

Please follow this link to submit your abstract.

Design History & Language Rights

For those interested in submitting a paper proposal that resonates with Design History & Language Rights, here are some topics for exploration:

- Intersections of Design History and the broad discursive field of Language Rights, including indigeneity and language maintenance, language policy, and language activism.

- Participatory methods in design historical inquiry: challenges and opportunities posed by collaborating across linguistic divides.

- Impact of design and technological change on linguistic diversity.

- Case studies in design responses to language revitalisation: how have designers contributed to language reclamation initiatives and to language documentation projects?

- Representing multilingualism: How has multilingualism been represented through a variety of media and what have been the effects of these representations in language practice of particular communities?

Please feel free to contact Tai Cossich ( if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss your proposal before submitting it.

Please follow this link to submit your abstract.


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