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CALL FOR PAPERS: Ressearch Symposium - 'Tourism, Hospitality and Events: Border crossings and interconnections' - University of Sunderland 24th May 2017

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8 December, 2016

The University of Sunderland is pleased to announce this Call for Papers for an interdisciplinary symposium which seeks to explore the border crossings and interconnections between the fields of tourism, hospitality and events and other disciplines and fields of study. We believe this symposium might be of interest to members of this group and welcome submissions from experienced researchers, early career researchers, and research students in a variety of formats including traditional paper presentations, videos, posters, and art work. Both conceptual and empirical work are welcome. Proposed presentation topics can include but are not limited to the following:

Cultural, heritage and museum studies
Spas, health and well-being
Event, sport and festival tourism
Gender, race, queer, and anthropological studies
Sociological, geographical and psychological studies
Emerging and innovative research methods and methodologies
Other interdisciplinary areas

Abstract Submission
An abstract between 400 to 500 words (excluding references) should be submitted. The abstract should include an indication of the purpose of the research, the interdisciplinary approach taken, the methods used and the key (expected) findings. The abstract should be submitted via email to Professor Donna Chambers (

Please Note: At least one author should present the abstract during the research symposium

Key Dates
Deadline for abstract submission: Friday 3rd February 2017
Notification of acceptance: Friday 3rd March 2017
Date of symposium: 24th May 2017

Research Symposium Fees
The registration fee is £30. This fee includes: Symposium proceedings, coffee breaks, and lunch.

Publication Opportunities

All abstracts will be included in the Research Symposium proceedings. In addition, abstracts may be selected for development and publication in the following journals:
E-Review of Tourism Research
International Journal of Spa and Wellness
Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal of Tourism

Please Note: For publication consideration in the above journals, the abstract should have already been presented at the Research Symposium.

Keynote Speakers
Professor Nigel Morgan: Nigel Morgan is Professor of Tourism & Events Marketing at the University of Surrey’s School of Hospitality and Tourism Management.
For more information about Professor Morgan please visit:

Professor Angela Roper: Angela Roper is Professor and Director of the International Centre for Hotel and Resort Management (ICHARM) at the University of West London.
For more information about Professor Roper please visit:

Key Contacts
Head of Scientific Committee: Prof Donna Chambers ( )
Head of Organising Committee: Dr Nikolaos Pappas ( )

Further information can be found on the symposium website at


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