13 March, 2023

The Caribbean Fashion and Design Research Network (CFDRN) was established in October 2022 by a group of researchers whose research interests intersect in a variety of ways across the Caribbean region. Their mission as researchers is to amplify the voices and histories of the Caribbean, a region which remains under-represented in histories of design and to provide opportunities for other researchers with similar interests to share their research with a wider audience. They define the Caribbean in the broadest sense to include the islands in the Caribbean Sea and/or those countries that share its coastline.
This first series of talks, in collaboration with the Design History Society, will take place online on Thursdays throughout July 2023. We invite researchers at any level (attached to an institution or independent) across the arts and humanities, who investigate the design and material culture histories of the Caribbean and its diaspora. Themes include but are not limited to:
- Reframing Caribbean Design/Design Histories
- Design Research: theory and practice
- Textile design and production;
- Black Style: resistance and revolution;
- Craft and Decorative arts
- Caribbean Visual Cultures
Due to the language limits of the organising committee, the series will take place in English. However, we acknowledge that information/knowledge can be disseminated in different ways and so we are open to different presentation formats and styles.
To be considered for a 15-minute presentation, please submit the following to the DHS Administrator Jenna Allsopp at designhistorysociety@gmail.com by 31st May 2023:
- A 150-200 word abstract and a 50-100 word biography.
- An image representing your subject, (which will be used in publicity for the event symposium programme) sent as a separate JPEG (or JPG) attachment
If you have any questions about your submission or the series please contact Elli Michaela Young at cfdresearchnetwork@gmail.com
Download a PDF of the CfP here
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