16 February, 2022

Call for Papers:
We invite proposal submissions from speakers worldwide for an online seminar series dedicated to ‘Hidden Histories: Gender in Design’. The aim of this series is to bring to the fore hidden or previously ignored figures and design projects, seeking to highlight the role of gender and collaborative process behind much design history of the last century and into the future.
As inspiration for proposals, themes may consider, for example:
- How has gender been represented in design histories and how does this positionality affect practice?
- In what ways has gender bias been manifested, critiqued or unrecognised in design history in the last century?
- Are certain areas of design practice dismissed by historiographies as ‘feminine’ or barred to identities deem unsuited to ‘masculine’ work?
- What role does the education system play in the formation of gendered practice?
- How does exclusion or neglect operate in distinct ways in and across local, transnational and global contexts of design practice and its histories?
- How is intersectional underrepresentation identifiable in design history?
Each speaker will give a 10-15 minute PowerPoint presentation via Zoom, followed by a group Q&A discussion.
Please submit an anonymous proposal of a maximum of 300 words in English, with a 100-word biography as a separate attachment, via email to the DHS Administrator, Jenna Allsopp by 12 midnight GMT on Tuesday 8th March 2022. The event will take place in late April-early May 2022.
We welcome and encourage applications from a diverse range of speakers at any stage of their academic careers, covering a broad spectrum of design disciplines from anywhere in the globe.
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