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Congratulations to the Winners of the Design Writing and Essay Prizes!

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9 September, 2020

The Design History Society would like to share the outcome of the Design Writing and Essay Prizes (undergraduate and postgraduate categories). This year, we received a total of 34 submissions in all three categories. The standard of submissions was high, making the reviewing and selection of winners a challenge. As usual, this was carried through a double-blind peer-review process and the winners were chosen on the basis of their scores. In addition to this, the top three Design Writing Prize entries were evaluated by this year's Guest Judge Jane Audas, who chose the winning entry. We would like to express our gratitude to all the authors and to our judge, Jane Audas, who, through their research and writing, enrich and expand our field. Without further due, the winners based on top scores are:

Design Writing prize

Dr Livia Rezende
, University of New South Wales, Australia

“Deep Encounters with the Design History Archive: From Brazil '68 to now”

Essay Prize PG

Karen Fraser, University of Brighton

“’That link to life, so to speak’: Older Women’s Expressions of Keeping Through Photographs”

Essay Prize UG

Hannah Kempster, University of Brighton

“This is England: Representing Class through the Domestic Interior”

We congratulate our winners wholeheartedly for their invaluable contribution to design history. Sadly, this year, the announcement of winners could not take place in our annual conference, yet we remain hopeful in meeting with our community next year in Basel with a congratulatory spirit.


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