24 September, 2017
The Design History Society is now accepting applications for the position of Conference Liaison Officer. The role of the Conference Liaison Officer is to oversee the competition to host the Annual Conference of the Design History Society and to liaise with the DHS Board of Trustees and the Convenors to ensure the smooth running of the conference. As a Trustee of the Design History Society, the Conference Liaison Officer is also expected to adhere to the responsibilities set out by the Charity Commission and the DHS Constitution, and participate in general committee activities that support the Society in its broader mission. All Trustees must be members of the Design History Society for the duration of their role.
Key Responsibilities
- To oversee the recruitment of annual conference Convenors and to advise them on their initial proposals as necessary. This is carried out in conjunction with the Chair of the Society and the Board of Trustees, who make the final decision on proposals and are responsible for the terms of agreement between the Society and the host institution
- To act as the main point of DHS contact for Convenors before, during and after conferences (in person or in writing as necessary), supporting and facilitating their work and advising on issues arising
- To liaise with the Convenors and the Board of Trustees throughout the conference process
Person Specification
- A strong interest in Design History or relevant fields (essential)
- Understanding of and commitment to the DHS and its objectives (essential)
- Experience of collaborative and/or committee work (essential)
- Experience of organising and promoting conferences and events (essential)
- Good communication and interpersonal skills via a range of communication channels (essential)
- Experience of working across different institutions in the UK and beyond (desirable)
- A network of international contacts active in researching and teaching design history and related fields (desirable)
- Commitment to equal opportunities and inclusive practices (essential)
The full role descriptor may be downloaded here.
To apply for this role, please complete the application form and return to the DHS Administrator, Elli Michaela Young, at: designhistorysociety@gmail.com. The deadline for submissions is 5pm, 20 October 2017.
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