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DHS Writing & Publishing Workshop

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Conference & Events

19 July, 2016

7 September 2016 11.00 am – 4.00 pm

Middlesex University

Hosted by Maya Oppenheimer (Teaching & Learning Officer) and Sabrina Rahman (Membership & Outreach Officer)

The Design History Society will host a Writing & Publishing Workshop in conjunction with the 2016 Annual DHS Conference, “Design and Time” at Middlesex University.

Aimed at graduate, post-graduate and early career researchers in design studies, design history and related fields, this workshop invites participants to join researchers, editors and writers to explore and consider processes of publishing in academic and non-specialist landscapes. Two representatives from academic peer-review journals will address the submission policies and expectations of their publications - their remit, approach and peer review processes – in addition to advising on the highlights, pitfalls and opportunities in preparing for publication. Hard copies of journals discussed will be provided. A manuscript editor will also share expertise scouting, preparing and publishing manuscripts and will advise on the formation and framing of proposals for disseminating research from books to online publishing. This Publication Workshop will also include the advice and perspective of non-academic publishing for the first time, in an effort to expand the forum of design history contributions and participation.

After a morning of speaker presentations, participants will have the opportunity to discuss specific questions and concerns regarding publishing during their careers. The session will end in a two-hour workshop where abstracts and personal projects can be discussed with individual editors in small groups. The goal of the workshop is facilitating the unique opportunity to gain professional advice from editors, writers, peers and colleagues in a convivial and constructive atmosphere. We write to help figure out what we are thinking, and this too is a conversational process!

Please join us. 

The workshop is limited to 20 participants and is free to attend. 

If you wish to participate in this workshop, please email Michaela Young: by the 15th August 2016 to secure a place. Participants will benefit if they bring printed copies of their work/abstracts to demonstrate their projects.


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