5 April, 2018
The Museum of Domestic Design and Architecture (MoDA) presents an exhibition entitled "Katagami in Practice: Japanese Stencils in the Art School".
MoDA's Silver Studio Collection includes four hundred Japanese katagami, or traditional resist-printing stencils for textiles. These stencils have enormous potential for research that brings together an historical perspective with a practice-based approach. In 2016, funding was secured from Arts Council England for research on this collection.
The team have been working with four researchers who have each brought a different perspective: an investigation into the history of these stencils as objects; a costumed dance performance; an exploration of the craft of katagami and "slow making"; and a mathematical analysis of the underlying patterns.
This exhibition at Asia House will feature examples of katagami from MoDA's collections, as well as the results of practitioners' work. Read more about the project as a whole on the MoDA website.
Exhibition Dates: 10-14 April 2018, 10:00-17:00
Exhibition Venue: Asia House, 63 New Cavendish Street London, W1G 7L
Headline image: Chrysanthemums and karahana, courtesy MoDA.
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