19 July, 2016
The Editors of the Journal of Design History ask all authors, reviewers and other users of ScholarOne Manuscript Central to update your profiles here: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jdh .
If you have changed institution since you created your profile, you need to update your email address and current address. If you have obtained a Phd or a promotion, you may want to change your academic title so that our communications are correctly addressed.
Please make sure your keywords adequately describe your current interests and expertise so that we can make appropriate reviewer requests. You can also addd your unique ORCID identifier (http://orcid.org/) to help match your JDH articles to SCOPUS and other databases tracking scholarly activity. All reviewers for the Journal are now offered a discounted subscription so now is the time to make sure your profile is up-to-date so that you can benefit.
If you have any queries please contact Alison Hutchins, Editorial Assistant at jdh.editorialoffice@oup.com Thank you.
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