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Student Officer Vacancy

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4 July, 2019

Join the DHS Executive Committee


The Student Officer serves on the Executive Committee as a non-Trustee to represent the interests and activities of students undertaking design historical studies at all levels of higher education.

The Student Officer focuses on three key activities: promoting DHS funding for student travel, conference participation and the annual essay prizes; building and sustaining links between the Society and diverse student communities; and representing the interests of student members of the Society on the Board of Trustees.

The role is offered on a voluntary basis, with reasonable travel costs reimbursed in accordance with the DHS expenses policy. The successful applicant is expected to serve for 2 years, from September 2019.

The DHS is committed to progressing equality and diversity, and welcomes applications from all sections of the community. We encourage applications from beyond London and the South East and from those who are able to help the Society reach new student audiences.

Key Activities

  • Promote wider access and participation for different social groups in the study of design history in higher education
  • Raise the profile of DHS funding and awards amongst student members
  • Initiate, participate in and support events such as conferences, seminars and symposia that are student-led, concerned with student interests or design history education
  • Offer information, advice and support for all those involved in studying history of design
  • Assist with the administration of student funds and awards
  • Liaise with the Learning and Teaching Officer, Research Grants Officer and Membership and Outreach Officer in areas of shared interest and activity
  • Contribute student-related content to the Design History Society website and social media platforms. This may include blog posts, event or resource reviews, calls for participation and other bespoke content in line with the Society’s aims and objectives.


  • Free annual membership of the Society during term of office.
  • Free registration at the DHS Annual Conference and other events in the Society’s annual programme.
  • Varied professional development and networking opportunities.

See the Role Descriptor for more information about the role, including personal requirements.

If you have any questions, please contact the Secretary.

To apply, complete the application form and return to the DHS Administrator.

Deadline for submissions is 5pm, 31 July 2019.


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