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Trustee Vacancy: Treasurer, Design History Society

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Society News

1 December, 2016

Treasurer, Design History Society

The Treasurer is a fundamental role within the Society, whose key responsibilities are: to manage the budget and cash flow of the organisation within the guidelines of the regulator for charities in England and Wales: the Charity Commission and for the benefit of the Society’s core charitable activities as established in its constitution. The role and responsibilities of the Treasurer include:

- Working closely with the Chair and DHS Executive Committee
- Management of the Society’s banking accounts; with the assistance of the DHS administrator, and providing DHS Exec Committee regular reports
- Supervising cash flow of Society’s income including prompt payment of DHS awards and invoices
- Submitting online the Society’s Trustees' Annual Report and Annual Return (annual accounts).
- Offering financial support and guidance to the convener of the Society’s annual conference
- Reviewing of the Society’s Reserve Policy
- Preparing annual accounts for independent examination by the Society’s accountant, with the assistance of the DHS administrator
- Submitting an annual report at the Society’s AGM each September (including the accounts which must be made available if requested)
- Abiding by the Charity Commission’s code of conduct, in all his/her work for the society (see

The Society is a registered charity and this is a unpaid voluntary role. The DHS will pay all expenses accrued in relation duties performed on behalf of the society.

If you have any question or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Michaela at

Trustee Nomination Form 2016 2


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