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Updates from the DHS annual conference convenors, "Memory full? Reimagining the relations between design and history"

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4 March, 2020

Updates from the DHS annual conference convenors, "Memory full? Reimagining the relations between design and history"

On last Sunday, 1 March the deadline for the call of papers to the DHS annual conference, "Memory full? Reimagining the relations between design and history" was finalised. The team of convenors in FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Basel, Switzerland are delighted to have received 253 applications. The convenors would like to express their gratitude to all participants for their interest in the event and for their invaluable contributions.

Consequently the reviewing process will start in the next days and the confirmation of acceptance will be communicated on 15 April. We hope the discussions in the conference will be quite prolific and wide-ranging and are looking forward to seeing the programme.


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